Dashboard Options


The following document and format options are either dashboard-specific or have special behavior within dashboards (note that in addition to these options all standard HTML Format options are available):

Option Description
title Title (displayed in top left of navigation bar)
author Author (displayed alongside title in smaller font)
logo Logo (displayed left of the title in the navigation bar)
orientation rows or columns (default: rows)
scrolling Use scrolling rather than fill layout? (default: false)
expandable Make card content expandable (default: true)
theme Dashboard theme (built in or custom scss)
nav-buttons Buttons to appear on the right side of the navigation bar. Use linkedin, facebook, reddit, twitter, github, or a custom Nav Item.

For example:

title: "Dashboard"
author: "Acme, Inc."
logo: images/acme.png
     theme: default
     orientation: rows
     expandable: true
     scrolling: false
      - reddit
      - icon: gitlab
        href: https://gitlab.com/


Pages can specify a custom orientation that is distinct from the global orientation:

Option Description
orientation rows or columns (default to global orientation)
scrolling true or false (defaults to global scrolling)

For example:

title: "Dashboard"
format: dashboard

# Plots {orientation="columns" scrolling="true"}

Rows & Columns

Rows and columns support options for customizing their layout and sizing behavior. The following classes can be used to modify layout behavior:

Class Description
.tabset Contents should be arranged into a Tabset
.fill Contents should fill available layout space
.flow Contents should flow to their natural size

Note that in most dashboards, .fill and .flow are determined automatically based on the contents of cards and don’t need to be specified manually.

The following attributes can be used for explicit sizing:

Option Description
width Percentage or absolute pixel width (default distributes space evenly across elements in a row)
height Percentage or absolute pixel height (default distributes space evenly across elements in a column)

For example:

title: "Dashboard"
format: dashboard

## Row {height="65%"}

## Row {height="35%"}

Note that if some components specify an explicit width or height and others do not, then remaining space will be distributed evenly across those elements.


Card options enable you to specify a title and various layout behaviors:

Option Description
title Title displayed in card header
padding Padding around card content (default: 8px)
expandable Make card content expandable (default: true)
width Percentage or absolute pixel width (default distributes space evenly across elements in a row)
height Percentage or absolute pixel height (default distributes space evenly across elements in a column)
fill Whether the card should fill it’s container or ‘flow’, matching the height of its content. (Quarto determines the default value based upon the card contents)

For example:

#| title: "Life Expectancy"
#| padding: 3px
#| expandable: false
#| width: 70%

These same options can be applied to .card divs. For example:

::: {.card title="Life Expectancy" padding="3px"}
This is the content.

Value Boxes

Value Boxes support the following options:

Option Description
title Title displayed above value
icon Icon identifier from bootstrap icons
color Background color—this can be any CSS color or one of the theme specific color aliases (see below)
value Main display value

Available themed aliases for color include:

Color Alias Default Theme Color(s)
primary Blue
secondary Gray
success Green
info Bright Blue
warning Yellow/Orange
danger Red
light Light Gray
dark Black

Note that value box options can be specified either as cell options or by printing a dict() (for Python) or list() (for R) (this is helpful when options need to be dynamic). See the Value Boxes component documentation for details.